Basics of Tennis Speech #2


                              Basics of Tennis 

                                      Informative Speech #2

                                             How Did I Do?


1. I was able to recite every bit of information that I thought was important such as the citation of the source.
2. I was able to breathe through my diaphragm during my speech most of the time, so my language was understood and I didn't rush with words. 
3.  I spoke strictly about my tennis topic without deviations. 


1. I exhibited poor contact at the beginning and end of my speech. It was noticeable that I was staring at my power point and my flashcards. 

2. The PPT did not cooperate when I tried to switch a slide, even though, I practice switching the slides more than ones.

3. I was rushing at the beginning, so I forgot to discuss a slide on which ball release in tennis was portrayed. 

4. I had trouble concentrating, since my audience was in person and online, so majority of the time I was staring at the people in the room. My attention was not divided evenly between the two groups.
5. I also stuttered frequently and confused the placement of the signposts. Whenever I introduced a main point,I would start talking about MPI, but forget about signposting. 

6. It seems as if the flow of my speech was choppy, because I would stutter. 

7. Tone of the speech was matter of fact, so my audience was not hooked or entertained as much as I hoped they should have been. 

8. Flashcards that I wrote were not helpful in my speech, because I wrote things that were not important and focused more of the words that were easy to remember, leaving the hard things out. 

                         What can I do to improve?

For next time I can improve my choppiness, by slowing down my speech, so that the words come out voluntarily, and I do not have to force them out. Also, the reason why I was confusing my words in sentences was because I relied too much on my flashcards and the key words on them were interrupting my flow of thoughts and speech. Since I didn't have enough time to rewrite my flashcards-I will make sure to have them done as soon as I turn in the Formal Outline, so that I have time to modify my content on the flashcards. The content must be sophisticated and relevant. 
Moreover,  to improve my eye contact I plan on practicing with and without flashcards before my next speech, so that my attention is not taken away from the audience. 
Finally, my body movement was restricted, because I was behind the chair while giving my presentation, so next time I have to make sure my body is free to move back and fourth as well as side to side. 

Communication Apprehension:

I was not as stressed as the first time I performed Speech #1; however, I was still stressed.  My Communication Apprehension has definitely decreased, because I had practiced for more than one day and I did use a timer to time myself. It really helped me improve the sophistication of my speech and helped me pinpoint the most important words that need to be said, so that the audience can apprehend the information easily without being confused. I did practice in front of my friend before I gave a formal speech and it did help me with pacing myself and establishing eye contact. 

Expectations for Speech #3

My plan to continue managing my Communication Apprehension is to keep using the timer, because this technique did succeed  in helping me pace myself. I also plan to practice more than 2 days since for Speech #2, I only practiced 4 times in one day and 4 times in day 2. My next goal is practice at least 4 days before my actual speech #3. 

One technique that I said I would do, but didn't do is practice in front of family. For my Speech #3 I plan on practicing in front of my parents at least once- this should help me with stuttering since it will make me less nervous when I perform in front of friends. 

 Finally, I plan on focusing on my breathing during the speech and taking pauses so that I can learn how to bounce back after messing up the order of my speech. 


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