Johari Window- Relationship with Self and Others.


The purpose of Johari Window is to help improve self-awareness and relationship with other people. 

My Johari Window Breakdown

How do the words you selected compare to the ones others did?

I have noticed that 4/6 words are both known to me and my friends. 

However, my bling spot is so large that there are many words that I never thought of describing myself as. Most of the words that other choose were very similar in nature such as " caring" and "kind" or " intelligent" and " clever" and " knowledgeable" meanwhile I choose words that were very different in meaning such as " organized" and " complex".

 Do you notice any trends?

Yes. One word that I have not selected, but 3/5 people selected was intelligent. Many people view me as intelligent, but I never consider myself smart, publicly. Moreover, 3/5 individuals selected me to be caring, but I didn't select it to be one of my characteristics.

 Do you notice any consistencies among the people who provided feedback? 

Yes. Most of my friends have selected me to be friendly, intelligent, and caring, because I have always been kind and friendly with them. I did not have my family fil out my Johari Window, but I am pretty sure that their picks would be similar to my friends, because I behave the same at home as I do with friends. 


 How your communication with different people may have contributed to their differing perceptions?

One big trend that I have noticed is that my friends do not know much of the depth of my personality. I have selected myself to be complex and sentimental; however, none of the 5 choose these words or words similar to the concept of complexity and sentimentality. This is all due to my light-hearted communication that I have with my friends- I usually do not want to trouble them with my problems and stress, so they never know of complex situations that I have to go through on my own. Occasionally, I share my troubles with Connor and David; however, they are not aware of my sentimental nature and complexity of my emotions, which are my central layers of self. I always socialize with them in breadth, but not depth. 

Moreover, I am an outgoing person and I have always been taught to behave and communicate nicely when around other persons by my European parents. That is why I appear to be nicer, more caring to my friends than I actually am. For example, Emmie pointed out that I am a happy person, but I am not at this moment in my life. However, she does know that I am mature, patient and intelligent, because I choose to show her that I am the best version of myself that I can be. It reflects my style of communication precisely, because I tend to communicate happily, excitedly meanwhile having a serious family situation at home. 

One last thing to mention, my style of communication may not be reserved to the point of being introverted; however, it is not full of depth, but breadth. I love to socialize and talk non-stop as long as I am with the person I feel safe around. That person can be a stranger, or the President, or a prisoner, but as long as he/she makes me feel safe-I will communicate with breadth and depth. 


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