My 1st Persuasive Speech

          Persuasive Speech #4

                                             Comprehensive Sex Education 


It took me approximately 4 days to create this outline and about 2 days to create the presentation and write and re-write the flashcards. Unfortunately, I only used one and half days to practice this speech. 

I think that the flow of my presentation and arguments did make logical sense to my audience, my technology did cooperate with me and nothing wrong went with presenting my visual aid. However, I did stutter and repeated sentences, because I was anxious and under-practiced. My sentences and words would jumble sometimes, and I would lose focus.  To improve it- next time I plan on extending my practice time to 3 times a day and also, I will also need to make time to practice 5 days ideally. I believe that I have procrastinated and decided to focus more on finals than delivering this speech. It was also due to my poor time management and home issues. 

To be honest, I do feel less nervous standing in front of people and delivering a speech. One thing that I learned is that how well you rehearse your speech is going to determine your level of anxiety. When I felt anxious during this speech- it was mainly due to simple wording mistakes that threw me off from the beginning. Rehearsing speeches is very important in controlling for Communication Apprehension. 

I did follow my plan on timing myself and video recording before I actually present the speech. I also stood in front of the mirror to rehearse and that prepared me well for actually facing my peers. 

To keep improving my Communication Apprehension in the future I plan on not procrastinating to rehearse my speech. I learned that it is very important to perform well and the only way to do that is to feel fully prepared.  

                                        This is my last entry for this course!!

                                 It feels sad to leave this blog- I really loved it!


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