
My 1st Persuasive Speech

          Persuasive Speech #4                                              Comprehensive Sex Education    It took me approximately 4 days to create this outline and about 2 days to create the presentation and write and re-write the flashcards.  Unfortunately , I only used one and half days to practice this speech.  I think that the flow of my presentation and arguments did make logical sense to my audience, my technology did cooperate with me and nothing wrong went with presenting my visual aid. However, I did stutter and repeated sentences, because I was anxious and under-practiced. My sentences and words would jumble sometimes, and I would lose focus.  To improve it- next time I plan on extending my practice time to 3 times a day and also, I will also need to make time to practice 5 days ideally. I believe that I have procrastinated and decided to focus more on finals than delivering this speech. It was also due to my poor time management and home issues.  To be honest, I do feel le

My Diversity Wheel

  Primary Dimensions         Age: 19                                                                     Gender: Female Ethnicity: Slavic- American  Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual  Physical Qualities: above average height, grey-green eyes, brown hair, dimples, freckles   Secondary Dimensions Economic Status: Unemployed  Marital Status: Single Military Experience: None, but stepfather served in the army. Job Level:  Employee  Non-Native Born: I wasn't born on American soil, I was born in Russia, but immigrated in 7th grade.  Religious Beliefs: Orthodox Christian Non-Union: I have a friend who is in a Welding Union. Geographic Location: IL- The Midwest  Thinking Styles- Synthesist- The creative thinker; Idealist- the goal setter. Parental Status: None Education: High School Diploma; currently attending a 2 yr. community college in Joliet, IL   Smoker/Non-Smoker: Non-smoker.  Work Background: I have helped my family with business and worked at a restaurant/ grocery store.  Communic

Relational Development

              Knapps' Developmental Model Coming Together Initiating:  The first encounter happened online. I texted first and it was a very brief introduction to our relationship. Small talk was part of this stage. The turning point was meeting up in person.  Experimenting:  After meeting in-person, we started having intimate conversations full of depth and breadth about music, European families, and our messages became long and full of explanations.  The turning point was my ex-boyfriend's love message that he sent to express his emotions for me. This intensified our romance.  Intensifying:  We started hanging more often than before. We had a heightened physical intimacy and it was hard to let each other go after spending evening together either watching a movie or taking a walk. The turning point was going to school together in the fall. There we had the same English class, where everyone came to know about our relationship publicly.  Integrating :  Our relationship was publ

Johari Window- Relationship with Self and Others.

    The purpose of Johari Window is to help improve self-awareness and relationship with other people.  My Johari Window Breakdown How do the words you selected compare to the ones others did? I have noticed that 4/6 words are both known to me and my friends.  However, my bling spot is so large that there are many words that I never thought of describing myself as. Most of the words that other choose were very similar in nature such as " caring" and "kind" or " intelligent" and " clever" and " knowledgeable" meanwhile I choose words that were very different in meaning such as " organized" and " complex".  Do you notice any trends? Yes. One word that I have not selected, but 3/5 people selected was intelligent. Many people view me as intelligent, but I never consider myself smart, publicly.  Moreover, 3/5 individuals selected me to be caring, but I didn't select it to be one of my characteristics.   Do you notice

Pathos Appeal

                               Emotions  There are several emotions that are elicited from the audience. I experienced disgust, sadness, anger/frustration while watching the content in this commercial on climate change. Strategies Used to Evoke Emotion  Most of the strategies that I noticed were rhetorical:  1. Anaphora . It is the repetition of the same phrase or word at the beginning of successive clauses or sentences. For example: People start pollution. People can stop it. Presenting the conclusion of the argument in favor of taking responsibility for polluting the environment in a repetitive pattern provides a quick way for people to memorize it. This short phrase is more appealing to the audience, because it evokes a sense of responsibility for starting the pollution and the need to stop it. Anaphora provides a powerful message of human responsibility to the environment.  2. Tone of the speaker. The speaker's tone is slow, solemn and deep . The tone sets the mood for the

Speech #3 Presentation

 Attachment Theory  Informative Speech #3 Preparation Process I have spent five days in total preparing this speech. I practiced three days out of 5, during which I had to modify my speech outline once. The three body paragraphs were too much to fit into  8 to 10 minute interval. I had to delete the third main point, which was about different ways to resolve insecure attachment issues. It was less important than my two other main points about four attachment styles and four common attachment disorders.  Moreover,  also had created a Power Point, which included key points that helped me explain Attachment Styles. I think my slides were loaded with information, but I split it up by creating more slides for one subpoint, so that my audience does not get distracted by the information on the screen, but pays attention to my narration.  During practice, I would try to eliminate distractions by letting my cat outside while I practiced. I also practiced in the room where I actually presented m

Nonverbal Messages of Physical Appearance

                 Messages of Physical Appearance  Physical Appearance includes: clothing, artifacts, cosmetics, hairstyle etc. that people use to communicate with others. Funny story: When I tell people that I was born and raised in Russia, people expect me to look and dress like this:           or this But I look like this...    Yes! Very anticlimactic! However, I still wear red dresses and braid my hair, so don't be so disappointed! Messages Portrayed Through My Style 1. Maturity.     Unlike most of my peers I adore simple clothing and steer away from extravagant crop tops and short skirts/shorts. It all has to do with my level of maturity. I perceive myself very mature by wearing formal clothes like  causal or moderately-extravagant dresses during the summer and sandals. I do not think that every one who is wearing crop-tops is immature- in my perception, if I could dress maturity in clothing, it would be a dress and a pair of causal hedges and of course that is subjective. How